Thank you to all of our members for making us the fastest-growing male enhancement website in the entire world. We have over 178,000 satisfied members from around the world and growing fast! |
Welcome to Massive Member!
- Enlarge your penis up to FOUR FULL INCHES
- Increase your girth by up to 28 PERCENT
- 100% SAFE all-natural penile exercises
- NO EXPENSIVE GADGETS or pills required
- Great results in ONLY 15 MINUTES per day
- CUSTOMIZED workout plans and exercises to meet your goals
What is Massive Member?
Massive Member is a natural exercise program designed specifically
for enlarging the penis and improving male sexual health. The Massive Member program
does NOT involve the use or sale of pills or any devices. If you are interested
in purchasing pills for male enhancement, click here.
Massive Member Benefits
Massive Member is different from any other penis enlargement site in many ways.
- Our program works in as little as
15 minutes a day, while most programs require you to workout for 60 minutes or more each day. We offer many different exercises that have been carefully designed for maximum results in the shortest amount of time.
Our program is far safer and less expensive than ridiculous extender gadgets (which are outrageously expensive and are likely to damage your penis), pills (most of which are largely ineffective and very expensive), patches (which like pills, are expensive and won't work) or creams (which simply are a joke).
Many programs consist primarily of jelqing exercises only; however, our program includes targeted jelqing as well as specific exercises for increasing girth, length, head size, scrotum size and ejaculatory control.
Included in our program are many supplemental sections for becoming a better lover, correcting curvature, strengthening erections, enhancing fertility, ending premature ejaculation, intensifying orgasms and much more.
Our detailed program includes full-color pictures demonstrating the proper form and technique for each exercise.
Our program does not require you to buy anything else - ever.
Massive Member also offers special discounts to its members. By working with other companies to provide our members with special discounts, your savings can pay for your membership many times over.
The results from our program are totally permanent. The growth you'll achieve with our program will not be lost once you stop performing the exercises.
We offer real 24 hour customer support from our staff of Enlargement Fitness Consultants. Our member support is the best of it's kind, and we've got the real, unsolicited testimonials to prove it.
Real Results - GUARANTEED!
That's right. We are so confident that our techniques
will produce tremendous results for you, we even back
our program with an exclusive 6 month money-back guarantee.
That's right. We are so confident that our techniques
will produce tremendous results for you, we even back
our program with an exclusive 6 month money-back guarantee.
It's completely risk-free!
Our award-winning program has been proven to effectively produce
real results so we're sure it can work for you.
Members may average an increase of more than 2"
inches in the length of their penis and 1" inch in
girth. Some members can experience even greater gains!
you like to have a LARGER, FULLER, STRONGER penis too?
If so, you can get complete access to our program in
just a moment and you'll be on your way to a longer,
healthier penis...

Here's what a few of our members recently had to say...
"Hi there, iv just ordered a cock ring. Iv been a massive member since january, and have gained 2 inches in lenghth 6 to
8 and 1and half in gerth 4 to 5and half.Im thinking that the ring may give me more gerth expansion hopefully.
Very pleased with the new me. Thanks"
"I have gained 2 1/2 in my length thanks again.."
Jonas G.
"I started your program about 7 weeks ago. I must say I
was somewhat skeptical. But thus far I have added an inch to
my length. I very much appreciate your service."
"Hey dudes, so in just three weeks i have seen incredible girth
gains and good length and im really happy with the results so far. Thanks"
"I have just started your program and I have completely read all your
material and found this to be the best exercise and completer program yet.
I have done XXXXX in the past for about a five month period with not much success.
My size is currently a 7" erect and a 6" girth. I am 46 yrs old 6'
tall white male and weight is 165 lbs. I have been doing the 30 minute workout
for about a week with great ease and success. I can see this is totally
different approach. What would you see as a realistic gain for a three to six
month program doing it 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week?
Thanks for all your assistance as I really appreciate your help."
"Your program rocks. I'm 2 inchs longer already and way fatter too.
I got the Manslide and c rings, what a difference in size and and girth
with just your program and these 2 products, PS the Manslide is amazing.
Thank you very much."
"hi, just letting you know that its been a month and i have gained
just under a full inch in length and a noticeable girth increase!
very happy.. thankyou"
"Its only been two weeks and I have really seen growth! I
am on enhancement pills (Invigorex) too but I cant believe it has
actually worked so well and over such a short period of time!"
"I was a total skeptic but thought what the heck for
this low price it's worth a shot and the methodology and
reasoning of how it worked seemed quite scientific to me.
I was skeptical because my family doctor told me that you
have what the lord gave you, no more, no less with no physical
way of changing it. But after just one week, yes one week, I
have already gained half a centimeter in length and one full
centimeter is girth at the mid point of my penis. I can
just imagine how things will change in another month or so
using your program. Thank you so much, especially for your
very informative and factual website explanations."
Yours truly,
Thomas, from Mongolia
"Hello there, First let me tell you that this is a
very good program with very suprising results. I have been
doing your exrcise for 10 days now, my penis has grown over 1
inch in girth, was very thin before. And has grown by half inch long..
all this in 10 days exactly..!
Thank you, Seth
"I have neglected your website for long enough. I saw awesome results
the first time I used it, and now I want to try it again to get bigger.
The problem is, I forgot my user name and password.... Thanks a million.
Your system is amazing!"
Terry K.
"your penis enlargemnt exercises are great been doing it for 2 months.
20 mins a day and a gained 2 inches in flaccid length and 2 inches in erect
length, flacid girth gained 1 1/2 inches and erect girth 1 3/4 inches. so i
want to say one thing thanks for the program."
"I have been using your program for a little over
3 months. I saw about 1/2" gain in girth after about
2 weeks, I have gained an additional 1/4" for a total
of 3/4". I have gained 1" in length, it seems
like growth has stopped, any suggestions?"
Thanks, Mike
"I just wanna thank you for all the help you've
given me. I am a full 8 incher now, (4 inches around)
but since I am Asian, I find it difficult to find
Asian girls who would take me - well I'm cool with that."
Anonymous (by request)
"I want to say your program is laid out really nice! I am very excited to get started as I have heard so many great things
about massivemember :) I will be emailing you again in a few weeks with my progress"
Mike R.
"First things first, your program is awesome. I'm already
noticing positive changes. The thing is I love to work out.
I lift weights, and take a protein supplement. I was wondering
if taking protein effects the results positive or negative.
Once again thank you for your outstanding product."
We are proud to have received HUNDREDS of success stories: CLICK HERE
to read more