How the Massive Member
Penis Enlargement Program Works
The science
behind our program is so incredibly simple - yet so amazingly powerful
that we guarantee it will work for any healthy adult male of any age!
The Science Behind the Massive Member
All-Natural Penis Enlargement Exercise Program
The penis is comprised of 3 main areas. There are
2 large chambers on the top of the penis (the Corpus Cavernosum)
and 1 smaller chamber on the bottom of the penis (the Corpus Spongiosum).
An erection occurs when the penis fills with blood. A small
amount of blood enters the Corpus Spongiosum, which is the
chamber used primarily for urination and ejaculation. The remainder
of the blood enters the Corpus Cavernosum, which is a sponge-like tissue
that acts as the main blood-holding chamber of the penis. In fact, the
Corpus Cavernosum is where over 90% of all blood is held each time you attain an erection.

Anatomy of the penis. Click on image to enlarge.
Penis size is limited in terms of length and girth by the
capacity of the Corpus Cavernosum. It would be impossible for
your penis to grow larger by itself, since, when a full erection
occurs, the blood which enters the penis is already expanding
the Corpus Cavernosum to it's maximum capacity.
As a result, the only permanent and true method of penis enlargement is to
expand the actual blood-holding capacity of the Corpus Cavernosum.
And this is only possible through the use of dedicated exercises
and techniques created especially for penile growth and development.

Expanding the capacity of the Corpus Cavernosum through penis exercise.
Our all-natural exercises help to actually break down the cell walls of the Corpus
Cavernosum by forcing blood into the erectile tissue in a safe, controlled manner. Each time this is done, the cells are expanded beyond their normal
The human body then repairs the cells, making them larger and stronger
to withstand the increased flow of blood generated by the exercises.
This adaptation allows the penis to hold more blood than it could before.
Over the course of a few weeks, the constant breakdown
and rebuilding of cells within the Corpus Cavernosum equates to
a noticeable increase in size of the penis.
Therefore, the real secret to permanent penis enlargement and overall penile
health is to exercise the Corpus Cavernosum regularly using
our specially developed exercises and techniques, which
will not only exercise and enlarge the penis, but will also
improve overall blood circulation.
Our all-natural penis enlargement program is an exclusive online
program to increasing penis size (note: a booklet is available
for an additional fee - see order page for details).
Our program contains all of the information you may need to
increase the length of your penis, improve the strength and control of your
ejaculations, and boost your sexual endurance so that you can last as long as you want.
And best of all,....
It's completely risk-free!
Our award-winning program has been proven to effectively produce
real results so we're sure it can work for you.
Members may average an increase of more than 2"
inches in the length of their penis and 1" inch in
girth. Some members can experience even greater gains!
you like to have a LARGER, FULLER, STRONGER penis too?
If so, you can get complete access to our program in
just a moment and you'll be on your way to a longer,
healthier penis...

Here's what a few of our members recently had to say...
"Support Staffee,
Thank you for the program, and for the gains that its given me,
both physically, and mentally. I no longer have to worry about
timing, or control, and that was a bigger fear than inadequate
size in the beginning, thanks."
More Massive Man, Jeff B.
"man, thanx for all the help, even though i haven't
started yet, cuz i am "unfortunately" smaller than
average, but i ran into your program for a reason and God
Bless you guys. Really though, when I get to my ultimate
goal which is 8 inches, i will tell you guys no doubt. I
wish you were here so i can give you guys a hug, thanx again,
Fred S.
"Hi I've been on your program for almost 2 months and
have gained nearly 3 centimeters in length and over 1 centimeter
in girth. Still looking for more, but VERY HAPPY with the results
so far. I really enjoy your site, it's great! Thanks!"
"I went up a quarter inch already! I just have a few
questions... Oh yeah Thanks for the program"
H. I.
First I want to say that only after 3 weeks of the 30 minute
exercises I've gained one half inch each in girth and length.
The program is incredible. I'm so enthused that I've increased
the Lengthening exercise - hand over hand exercise to 5
minutes, and the Ultimate Jelq to 10 minutes without any undo
soreness. Is this OK to do? Also after I complete the exercise
program is there a chance that the expanded cells will shrink
to their original size. Thanks"
"So far, my penis feels like it'S hanging heavier and as
well as my scrotum. Lets see what happens. Thanks Again!"
J From Florida
"Hi David,
I'm writing this note in order to pass on something that I've
discovered by accident, but something that works very well for me.
It's a warm down method that I have started to use. Normally when I
finish my penis workout I hop in the shower and let the hot water act
as the warming agent rather than using a hot towel. The other day I
thought that it might be interesting to try applying some shaving cream
from my hot lather shaving cream dispenser to my penis and then
showering. I know it sounds really strange, but to my delight it
worked and it felt like nothing I have ever tried. The shaving cream
that I'm currently using has menthol in it and so it also produces a
tingling sensation after it's applied. I'm now including this step as
a normal part of my warm down process. Another side benefit is that it
smells great too. I'd strongly recommend that any of your members that
own a hot lather machine try this to see if it might fit in with their
warm down regimen. Thanks. By the way, I've also gained another 1/4"
bringing me to a total length of 5 1/2".
I'll write again soon."
"Dear massive, into the 4th week of the programme now
and really enjoying it, already improved the strength of my
erections and length by 20 cm. thank you"
Gary W.
"Hi everyone. I started the program in August and have been
doing the program on and off since then. My erect length has
gone from 5.75 in. to 6.75in., and I definitely see that it is
stronger and just barely working towards its potential. Thanks
a bunch!! :-)"
"I have only been doing the program a week and can already
see its effects. I have not grown any yet but my erections
are rock hard and my ejaculation is way more intense. I can't
wait to see the growth results. Thanks for the help"
"Hi MM,
I started January and only now I'm seeing some great result.
Is this unusual? I'm working on length now. Hope to reach 7 or
more. Do you think it possible? Started at 2.5 inches flaccid
and now it is about 4 inches. What do you guys think?
Wonderful service. Excited! awaiting reply anxiously. Thank you."
"great program you guys have put together here. i just
started last week and i'm really looking forward to the whole
undertaking. just want to know how do i know to move from the
beginner to advanced to expert pc excercises. thanks, and
keep up the good work"
"I have been using the program for about 2 months and find that my 4 1/2 inch penis is now 6 inches -- what
a deal -- thanks."
Harris C.
We are proud to have received HUNDREDS of success stories: CLICK HERE
to read more