Frequently Asked
What are you selling? Is this some sort of pill?
No, we do not sell pills. If you're interested in a quality
male enhancement supplement, click here.
Nor do we sell silly gadgets like pumps or extenders, the likes
of which are very expensive and highly likely to permanently damage
your penis. Unlike all of these things, we offer an exercise
program specifically for the penis. Our program provides a safe, highly effective
and all-natural means for permanent penis enlargement through the
use of manual manipulation techniques, gentle stretching, targeted
blood movement and tissue pressure applications as well as other
methods. Our program is the only way
to safely and effectively increase penis size permanently.
How will I access your program?
Our entire exercise program is conveniently available to you
online through our MEMBER LOGIN page.
Our program is password-protected, requiring a valid username and password
in order to gain access to the program. Once you join our
program, you will instantly receive a unique username and password which
you will use to login and access our entire online program. You
can then view our manual online or print out important sections
for easy reference anywhere. It's fast, simple and easy to use! And best of all,
no special software is required. Note: For an additional fee, a booklet
containing our entire program is available which is mailed to your home. Please
see the ordering page for details.
How do I know that your program will work for me?
First of all, the easiest way to find out the answer to your question
is to simply give our program a try. After all, we offer a 100% money-back
guarantee. But in answer to your question, please note that
our program has a current success rate of 98.78% (based on customer
refunds) which is the highest satisfaction rate of virtually any
type of exercise program anywhere! In addition, we have nearly
150,000 satisfied members worldwide and we've received hundreds of unsolicited
testimonials from our members which prove exactly how effective
our program can be. Given all this information, it is very, very
likely that our program will work for you. Ultimately, the success
of our program hinges on your dedication to the program. Our program
will work for you if you follow it. The results from our program are not dependent on your age, current
penis size or whether or not you are circumcised. We have
carefully designed our program to work for virtually anyone.
And as previously mentioned, we guarantee results or your
money back - so just give it a try!
Is your program safe?
Yes, the exercises contained in our program
are safe. And since no devices are used, you always remain
in control. When followed according to our simple instructions,
our program provides a healthy, natural workout designed
to enlarge the length and width of the penis, strengthen erections
and improve lasting ability. Our unique program contains simple,
step-by-step instructions and pictures which clearly explain
and demonstrate how to perform each exercise safely and
How long does it take before I see results?
This is difficult to pinpoint, since each individual will
respond differently to our program. In general, most of our members begin to
notice slight changes within 2 - 3 weeks
of starting our program (some sooner, and some later of
course). Naturally, growth rates will vary from person to
person and are dependent on several factors such
as general health, level of physical fitness, tobacco and/or
drug use, alcohol intake, genetics and most importantly -
commitment to the program. Some of our members
have achieved outstanding results in as little as one week, while other members
have taken longer to realize gains. We believe that if you follow our workout as
described, you will notice a significant increase in the size and
health of your penis within a relatively short period of time.
In any case, we tell all members to be patient and do not expect
overnight results. Though the penis is not a muscle, exercising
the penis can be likened to strength training or endurance training -
they all require consistent effort and results are generally
gradual - but worth the effort in the end.
Is your program hard to follow?
Not at all. Our program is very simple to use, even if you
have a limited knowledge of the english language. Our program
has been carefully designed to include very simple exercises
which anyone can perform. Plus, we include complete, step-by-step
instructions for each exercise as well as pictures which demonstrate
the proper form and technique for each exercise. We also provide
summary sheets of all 3 workouts for quick reference. And if you ever
find yourself needing assistance, please remember that we offer 24
hour online customer support from our Enlargement Fitness Consultants.
Are the results from your program permanent?
Yes, the results from our program are permanent. Once you have
reached your desired size, you may discontinue our program at
any time. And while you still do not need to continue performing
the exercises daily, we do recommend that you perform the workout
once every 3 weeks to maintain cell expansion and
proper circulation. Not only will occasional exercise help
to maintain your enhancements, but it will promote a much
healthier penis as well. And not only that - the workouts
are just plain fun!
Do you offer a guarantee?
Absolutely! If you've gotten this far into our site and
missed it, we'll tell you again. Yes, we offer a full 100%
6-month money back guarantee (Guarantee Info). So there's nothing to lose,
and plenty to gain by trying our program.
What type of help do you offer to your members?
We pride ourselves on offering the best customer support of any
penis enlargement site today. Our staff of Enlargement Fitness Consultants are available
to answer your questions and offer advice via email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Just send us an email using our Contact Form and we
will respond to your questions promptly. We have gone to
great lengths to ensure that our program is as comprehensive as
possible; however, if you have a specific question which is
not addressed in the program, you can feel free to email us at any time.
What is the cost of your program?
The cost for our unique program is just $49.99. This is a
one-time fee. We do not charge a monthly fee
and you will never be re-billed. All you will ever pay is
just $49.99 for unlimited access to our program. Please
note that our credit card processor requires that we set
a 1 year time limit on the duration of your membership; however,
we can assure you that we do not de-activate passwords
after a year (or any time thereafter). Thus, it is in essence
a lifetime membership.
Is enrollment in your program confidential?
Yes, membership into our program is completely confidential.
When you purchase our program, you will be given a unique
username and password for accessing our program. You can access
our program from any computer in the world with an internet
connection and a web browser. We respect your privacy and so
nothing will ever be mailed to your home (unless you opt to order
a booklet for an additional fee), nor will we ever give away or sell
your email address or personal information to anyone.
What name will appear on my credit card statement?
Your credit card will be discretely billed as "Austin Research Institute
via InternetSecure" or "PAYPAL AUSTINRESEA"; thus, no one
will know what you have purchased.
Is it safe to order online with my credit card?
Yes, ordering online from our site is perfectly safe and secure.
We use industry leaders InternetSecure or Paypal for processing all
credit card payments
so you can rest assured that your transaction is completely safe.
Placing an order online with us is
much safer than giving your credit card to a waitress to pay for
dinner at a local restaurant, or handing your card over to a store merchant.
However, if you are still concerned about online security, you are certainly
welcome to mail or fax your payment to us - or you can transfer funds to
us via Western Union or MoneyGram. Please see our order page
for all available options.
I lost my password. How can I get it back?
You should contact us via email with all of the information
requested below. We will need all of the following information from you
in order to swiftly find your account and help you.
- Do you remember any part of your username or password? If so, what is it?
- How did you make your payment (credit card, paypal, mail order, money transfer, etc.)?
- If payment was made by credit card, what was the name of the billing company shown on your credit card receipt?
- What is the approximate date of order?
- Under what name was the order made?
- Under what email address was the order made (is it different than the email address you are contacting us from now)?
Failure to provide us with answers to the questions above may
result in our inability to locate your account.
So what are you waiting for?
Join now and receive instant access to our program,
so you can start using it immediately.
And with your username and password, you can check back
for new information as often as you wish. Our online program
contains an enormous amount of valuable information, and our
team of Enlargement Fitness Consultants are constantly
updating and improving the program based upon new research and member

Here's what a few of our members recently had to say...
"Dear M.M.,
Size has never really been a problem for me, though I like the
idea of adding a few extra centimeters, of course. My main interest
in your program was to straighten my penis because it curves
quite severely to the right, and has since I was an adolescent.
In any case, long story short, I've been using your techniques
for roughly 3.5 weeks now and your program has helped me TREMENDOUSLY
with correcting the curvature of my penis. I must say my hopes were
high when I read about the results others have received with your
program, and you certainly haven't disappointed me. I am very
pleased with not only the size increases I've received to date, but
the significant straightening that has occurred as well. Please,
feel free to print this on your web site and thank you very, very
much for this magnificent service you provide!"
Noel D.
"I have been using your program for just short of 2
weeks now and have already noticed an improvement particularly
in girth."
John B.
"I have never seen my wife go as nuts over my dick like she
does now! I think she might like to see actally how much she
could handle! I have had very good results so far, nearly an
inch in length and almost a half inch in girth.
I really want to get over 8". Thanks for your program and
your time."
"I started you program in April. I was 5.75 and now 7.75".
God bless you! I am thinking of trying the Invigorex pills you
recommend too."
Ron V.
"So far so good. Before ordering your course I incorrectly
measured my penus at four and one half inches. Measuring
correctly I'm five and three quarters. Still on the small side
but much closer to normal. Since then, I've grown over 1/2 inch
erect and 1/4 inch girth in just 2 weeks!"
Tom B.
"I had read over your many testimonials and was very impressed
so I decided to give this a try. After all what man doesn't want
a larger cock? Based on what I have read from others I am guessing
I am one of your older members at 69 years young. I am sexually active
but like many men my age, have trouble sometimes getting or keeping
a full erection. Your program has worked wonders for my erection
in terms of both size and strength. I much prefer your natural methods to the use
of prescription drugs and such. Thank you for keeping this old
man in 'full' form."
"Hi, I've been using your program for 2 months now &
so far I'm very Pleased (over 1" girth & 1 1/4" length)
I just had to tell someone. thanks"
"I purchased your program over a year ago and I love the
results! It's been 6 months since I've visited this site.
I can't seem to find my name and password. Could you please
send me them? I'm anxious to get back into the swing of things.
Please respond asap! Thank you!"
Tim M.
"Hi -
I am a long-time Massivemember user. I own a travel
agency in FLorida and I wanted to invite you to check
out our site and see if any of our incentives can help
you boost sales of your penis enlargement e-book.
I joined over a year and a half ago and in the first
year I gained 1.5 inches both in length and girth. I
recently lost 40 pounds from jogging 4 miles a day on
the beach so my penis looks SUPER - I get a lot of
more pleasure watching it while masterbating now. It
is a real turn on the see the improvements!"
Wade L. - Proud MassiveMember User
"I've been doing your 20 minute, 5 days a week advanced
program workout for almost 5 months now. My penis looks
healthier, bigger and fuller when hanging flaccid.
When rock hard I'm at 5 inches in length. (I was at about 4
when I began.) Very happy all around with everything and thought
I should thank you."
"on tomorrow 8/5, I will have a procedure performed
to shrink my prostrate glands. It's a day surgery and will
last about an hour, a tube or probed or stuck down the penis
and heat administered. How long should I wait before starting
up again with the exercises. This is the 'only' reason I am
concerned about loosing what I've gained. GREAT program, it
really does work."
"First I would like to say I am pleased with the format
of your site and the ease at which the program can be followed.
Secondly, after purchasing the program, I have used it diligently
for twelve (12) consecutive weeks with very impressive results
in my opinion. Specifically, I've increased my erect length by
3/4 of an inch and my erect girth is up over 1/2 an inch.
I must commend your team on a very well-planned and thorough
site, and my results are certainly proof that your system does indeed
work if you make a dedicated effort. Thank you for your cooperation."
"I really just want to say thanks MM. I would probably
be one of your younger members being 18. I was always a little
shyer around girls being that i only measured 5.75 inches long.
I have tried the pills but never an exercise program. I read
the testimonials and the guarantees and decided to do it.
I read how one person wrote 'I wish I knew about this
program when I was younger, I could have avoided years of feeling
inadequate growing up.' Well now i wont have to. I have been
on your program for 3 weeks going on 4 and i have already
gained .5 inches or a little more and increased girth.
Thank you so much."
"I have been on the MM program for about 1-1/2 months.
Don't remember the exact date. When I first told my wife
about this program she was not agreeable with my getting in it. Until....
Until she started feeling a difference in bed. We had gone
through a period where we could not make love for a while.
When I entered her, after having done the exercises for a
period of time, she took a big deep breath. There was a gleam
in her eyes that said WOW.
Along with things being wall to wall full for her she has
also noticed my ability to last till she says, 'enough.'
Just last weekend I stayed in her and stroked till she said
we might need to check for burn marks (ha).
The whole point is that as a married man I am glad I found
this program and now my wife is a BIG advocate of it. I
think there are many happily married couple who are looking
for something to make an otherwise good marriage even better."
"I bought your program on 5-23-04. I have noticed a increase
in length about 3/4 and girth about 1/4 of a inch. I purchased
INVIGOREX about a week and a half ago it is for increased
blood flow to the sexual organs and the penis and it seems to
be helping a lot. If I continue taking this will it make the
time for the penis enlargement program quicker and if so
with my penis size being 6 3/4 in length and my girth being
5 1/4 would becoming 7 1/2 to 8 inches in length and 6
inches in girth be obtainable through continuous exercise
and taking the INVIGOREX supplement. When I started this
program I was 6 inches in length and 5 inches in girth."
"I have been working out faithfully for about 9 weeks
and have seen gains of about 1 3/4" in length and about 3/4"
in girth. I haven't seen any increase in length in the last week,
and am wondering if this is the max that I can get, or is there a
way to get over this 'plateau' that I have reached? By the way,
I'm not dis-satisfied at all, as a matter of fact, my wife loves
the new improved me! The 7 3/4 that I now have makes her wild,
and she seems to be willing to take more! Can you help? Thanks"
"To be honest i never believed that growing your penis
was possible and i was happy with what i had. I was interested
in learning how to control myself better so that i would be
in control. The PC exercises are amazing and the
growth sessions actually worked(bonus). Your customer service
is also very good. I am impressed."
"Thought i should let you know that your 30 minute daily
excersise plan has produced great results.When i started i was
7 3/8" and have now grown to 8 1/2" in about four
months. But what is really pleasing for my partner is the
increase that the girth excercises have produced. my girth is
now 6" with the rim of my head nearly 6 3/4" and my
cock has a strong veined appearance even when flacid.
My partner can't wait to show me off on the naturist beaches
this summer! Thank you Massivemember."
John - from the UK
"Hi, I have been on your program going on three weeks. I have a question about the veins in my penis. There are two veins one one each side that are getting very pronounced. Is that normal? Should I take more than two days off it a week? Other than that it seems to be working very well. I have seen a gain of exactly half an inch in length. Thanks in advance!"
"The girth exercises are producing amazing results, a 1/4 inch increase in 3 weeks..."
We are proud to have received HUNDREDS of success stories: CLICK HERE
to read more